Living in the 21st century provides a great deal of commodities and technological advances. Most of these advances, have only opened up to the general public recently and since then have exponentially increased. People are constantly using technology to ease their every day routine. Some of these technological advances have also spread into the art world. For example, tons of applications like Photoshop now exist. But who wants to be siting down in front of a computer clicking their life away. What if there was an easier way to create all the masterpieces that presently needs a mouse click for every thing?
Technology can be pretty accurate. But the fact is that sometimes our mouse slips away. We click and click and click and do some more clicking if we're working on a picture or some background design. Sometimes you click wrong! Frustration creeps up and at times you want to give up--this happens to me at least--. Don't you wish you could just stick your hands in the screen? Computer mouses can not replace our hands, they really can not, no matter how advanced they are. If you need to cut a picture out it would take you quite a great time to do so with the mouse. So this is where I present my idea. What if you could use your hands? Lets just amplify our screens onto a wall and start working with the touch of our fingers.
Like I hope everyone knows, we are in fact in the 21st century, and yes, touch screens do exist. But lets make them better! Bigger! Faster! We do have devices like touch screen phones, the itouch, even some touch screen laptops. However, these limit us to a certain size. I want this same idea, this concept of using our fingers to do our work but in a bigger and better scenario. Lets take our whole screen and make it as big as our walls and just touch away.
Love the design of your blog!