The use of social media networking sites have blown up and skyrocketed over these past few years. I personally remember when it all started with Sconnex, then Bebo and shortly after Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter among many others. All of these sites provide a great way to socialize and find out about the latest news. Twitter is huge in providing news seconds after its occurrence. So why not advertise my product through Twitter? As my previous blog stated, my ideas is to amplify screens onto walls and be able to create masterpieces with the touch of your fingers. Now, after my idea is set and ready to go, how do I get people to find out about it and to buy it? How do I advertise my product?
The answer is simple, using the internet. Using sites like Twitter to advertise my product is a great way to let people know about it. Remember, people spend more time using the internet that watching TV. Also, my product would mostly target college students and older, and this rage of people are who mostly spend their time online. This would be a perfect way to let people found out about my product and fast! Who else can compete with the internet but the internet?!
Twitter is a great way to advertise your product, but how else can you use Twitter to benefit your business?