I pick them all ! I am not creating a whole new operating system. I am producing a software/application with external accessories that makes it possible for us to to use our hands to create or work on whatever we desire. Talk about hands on! So those that mean that my software and all its gadgets would be easily accessible to any operating system? Not quite, although that would be terrific. The operating systems that I am going to focus on however, are on Windows based PCs and Mac based PCs. These are the two most commonly used operating systems, so why not satisfy the majority of my customers?
It would be just awesome, both profit-wise and consumer-wise if my software were able to be run on all operating systems and computers. However, they are not all built the same and customizing my software for each and every system out there would be very money and time consuming. Therefore I will solely focus on Macs and Windows based PCs. Hopefully the majority of the public agrees on my decision.
This is a great post! Descriptive, and enjoyable to read. I also agree with you that it should be compatible with all OS.