Monday, October 11, 2010

The Faster, The Better

How many times in your computer's life span do you ask "Why is my computer so slow?" Simple, the answer is that our computer can only handle so much at a time and we yet continue to stuff it as much as we can. Think of your computer like it were a person. Every one can multi-task. Some can do more that others at any given time. But we all get to a certain point where we can't handle any more. This is the same for a computer. Our computers are all capable of handling multiple work up to a certain point. This certain point, or magnitude of how much our computer can handle is based on its RAM. An idea pertaining to my product is that it should carry as much RAM as possible for it to be able to do multiple tasks. Who wouldn't want a computer that did as much as we could and more?

I have a MacBook Pro 13 with only 2 GB of RAM and this drives me crazy. I can only have so much open before my computer starts to slow down. Sometimes I am working on important things when it slows down and I just pray that it doesn't get to a point where i would have to restart my computer. RAM is always top priority when buying a computer. My idea is that my computer product have as much RAM possible for it not to slow down when working on it. However, different types of RAM capacities would be available for those who know how much work they do. I would have as much as maybe 16 GB of RAM and as low as 2 GB. Again, it depends what type of user you are. If you know you only work with a few applications at a time, then less amounts of RAM would be perfect for you. But who wouldn't mind knowing that in times of great need, a massive amount of RAM is available to them ?

My product is about serving the customer's need. When buying computers, people have lately been seen more informative of what they buying. They know that RAM is a big part of what they should check out for. My plan is to offer as much as possible yet have a variety to those who prefer the small numbers. Its about creating a product that can be customized to the needs of all.

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